I would love this feature please!
1. Yes video speed depends on speed from power and the original GPX tells you how fast the bike was going when the video was recording, so you know how...
Ah, actually the adverts ruin the YouTube idea ☹️
Had to edit it as the author tag gets stripped out on Github and made it more readable than the email version that'll come to you!
> > 7. Since you already have Chromium working, how about next to the maps icon (or next to the chart icon!) a streaming icon - that could open a...
> @jonathancolledge did you read also my other comments? Ah, yes. The Concept2 log is like Strava for Concetpt2, yes! I must do more to get my million metres and...
Thank you! I will try again this morning. The raspberry folder did not have mkspecs in it. I copied the lib and include folders to /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/qt5 but the map button...
Yes, rebuilt from scratch. I tried to make a video this morning to show you, but the VNC kept disconnecting. I will try again tomorrow.
I haven't made progress here yet. To get mkspecs I tried to build the server with the instructions posted here: - it almost worked, but there seemed to be...
Here is a log with QZ trying to connect to the Kickr but never finding it (this is when I haven't put deviceConnected(): in homeform.cpp for my elliptical): ![Screenshot from...