Jonny Borges

Results 6 issues of Jonny Borges

When some users start full screen video they are crashing due to unexpected MaterialApp rebuild because the plugin uses opaque routes.

When this library will have video support?

Hi, you did a great job, but the progressview should listen to the amount of equals names, not the total amount of images, so the progress bar would just count...

I think I have failed to be conservative. GetX basically hasn't changed since its first version (only the RxTypes have changed due to Flutter updates), and I've been trying to...

This is a guide that aims to provide assistance with changes and break changes that occurred in version 5. You can use this issue for immediate support if you experience...

Hi, this library really makes writing an http server a lot easier. However, when defining a path, it does not work properly. Code to reproduce: ```dart import 'dart:io'; import 'package:http_server/http_server.dart';...