Jonas Lejon

Results 3 comments of Jonas Lejon

On Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS compile error: ` 97%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/apfs-fuse.dir/apfsfuse/ApfsFuse.cpp.o /home/je/apfs-fuse/apfsfuse/ApfsFuse.cpp:31:24: fatal error: fuse3/fuse.h: Filen eller katalogen finns inte compilation terminated. CMakeFiles/apfs-fuse.dir/build.make:62: receptet för målet ”CMakeFiles/apfs-fuse.dir/apfsfuse/ApfsFuse.cpp.o” misslyckades make[2]:...

The following works when **fuse3/fuse.h** is missing: - sudo apt install cmake-curses-gui - ccmake . - Arrow down to USE_FUSE3 and press enter (change to OFF) - Press q Now...