Hi, I want to use Ocelot for a jitter study, mainly of the longitudinal bunch parameters, but it's not clear to me how to implement this jitter in an appropriate...
Hi, I'm trying to set up some lattice matching/optimization, and I have some questions (and, I guess, feature requests) after looking at this for a little while. Sorry for mixing...
Hi, I've found some bugs in some plotting scripts, and also have some suggestions for small improvements. `plot_elems` used by `plot_opt_func` 1. The calculation of the variable `ncols` is missing...
Hi, To enable more detailed simulations of, above all, bunch compression, I would like to use RK tracking through dipoles. I'm working with a large lattice (FLASH+FLASHForward) containing a large...
Hi, I have some trouble working out the angular coordinates in the code. On the one hand, it is stated literally in various placed in the documentation that it is...
Hi, I was wondering whether it is possible to implement an enhanced CSR model compared to the 1D case, as the 1D model results seem to (sometimes) be quite different...
Hi, I'm trying to run simulations with apertures enabled to simulate some expected particle loss in the beam pipe, but I'm encountering some unexpected behavior. I'm running the latest version...
Hi, I need to translate a MAD lattice, presumably MAD-X, into Ocelot, but I can't get the built-in converter to work. I'm trying to use the `madx2ocelot()` function, where I...