
Results 11 issues of jolt2017

Recently i want to genetate some celeba_hq image.but the code lacks detail comments on the part of creat_celeba_hq funtcion. If comments are possible, that must be a gift for me...

hi: I confronted some problems when run vggface = VGGFace(include_top = False, model = 'resnet50', input_shape = (224, 224, 3)) Cannot interpret feed_dict key as Tensor: Tensor Tensor("Placeholder_798:0", shape=(7, 7,...

hi: I confronted some problems when run vggface = VGGFace(include_top = False, model = 'resnet50', input_shape = (224, 224, 3)) ![image]( Did you have any suggestions to solve this problem?

您好,请问 solov2 训练好模型以后,如何计算他在测试集上 分割精度指标能?

![image]( In your paper, you said your discriminator is a kind of multisacle discriminator, but in your code, line 240 and line 241 in the picture, I noted that self.scale...

Great work. So do u have the schedule to realease the traing code?

考虑 ncnn 部署代码的实现么

hi: 支持一波,写的很棒,已经用上了,感谢。发现一个小问题,训练时 改变 gpus 参数 并不能指定 gpu。

请问最新发布的 paddleHumanSeg 里面的 SPPM 模块在哪个脚本里?


你好,查看 tps 相关代码,发现有个接口不是很理解,截图放在下面的网盘链接上了,可否告知输入及返回参数的含义. 链接: 提取码:1bbx