For computing the simulation history, we're using sim.core/get-time to get the current time of the frame. If time runs out, the agenda is nil, thus no times are returned. This...
AbstractMethodError Method spork/entitysystem/store/entity.empty()Lclojure/lang/IPersistentCollection; is abstract (store.clj:-1) This shows up when calling when the entity doesn't exist.
For compatibility with TSV operations, we should be cleaning up the input when we have newlines in cell entries. This creates a problem with split-lines, and we end up breaking...
Trying to dust this off to support some incanter development. Turns out a lot of stuff is incompatible with 1.9. So I fixed that. Namely, getting rid of potemkin dep...
So, in legacy examples from fx-clj, namely for binding, the fx-clj.binding/bind-> tries to bind a property to a reactive atom via multimethod fx-clj.core.extensibility/convert-arg. Default method is identity. There's no dispatch...
During my updates to modernize fx-clj to work with clojure 1.9, I needed to update freactive.core . Fixes were minor, but I ran tests anyways, which failed! However, when I...
I ran into the fascinating case, where a boolean false was truthy according to clojure. Specifically, only when running on a node on the cluster (evaluating a task with some...