Results 70 comments of Tom

Interesting. That would be a useful unification of the extant macro-based approach. I don't have anything to add at the moment, but will ponder the implications.

dredging up memories of constant folding from [tim baldridge's presentation on tools.analyzer]( Great presentation overall on learning the analyzer. Beyond that, I don't have any grand ideas on compilation; some...

Yeah, meander is probably custom made for this then. I am less familiar with it (although I did mess with some its evaluation engine once trying to optimize the emitted...

That looks very promising. Any benchmarks for toy results?

Looks like term rewriting at the AST node level; using meander on top of analyzer. nice

Feel free to add away, just reference me in the comment if you do please. Maybe it helps others find a common repository of optimized functions. You should maybe benchmark...

I just noticed in recent testing that the original code I submitted didn't invoke transient and rmerge! correctly for the 2-arity version. No problem though, because your implementation does! Good...

Just ran into the myopic realization that I assumed input supports IKVReduce without a fallback.. ```clojure (defn rmerge! [l r] (if (instance? clojure.lang.IKVReduce l) (.kvreduce ^clojure.lang.IKVReduce l (fn [^clojure.lang.ITransientAssociative acc...

Very curious to see `tmerge` apparently getting beat by `fast-merge` since they're very close implementation-wise (excepting the transient usage, and the reversed order of input for map processing). I tmerge...