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Code and exercise solutions from the book Full Stack GraphQL Applications, published by Manning

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File `src/graphql.js` must go in `src/lambda/graphql.js`

Otherwise really good book but I am stuck in a middle of chapter 7 and cannot continue. Code samples shown in book don't match codes in found in this repository....

- fix vulnerabilities - add prettier

I bought this book specifically to read up on subscriptions which are purportedly in Chapter 10? "We defer our coverage of GraphQL subscriptions to Chapter 10, Advanced GraphQL."

Specifically exercise 1.7 ![exercise1_7](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/79064861/138174599-f69df15b-1265-4e2d-b943-4313cf871bff.png) question 1 solution: written queries to answer the questions with the public movies GraphQL API at movies.grandstack.io