Upgrade your model to MacbookAir8,2, that should fix the problem
> But is the EFI folder and the same as the one you download from the repo just need to change the version in the config.plist file or do the...
Wifi on Sonoma is quite easy to fix, just follow the guide on OCLP GitHub
Also, you can check out my EFI for the fix [Config.plist.txt](
Have you try running on my config ? If that works for you then copy all patch enabled in my config to yours
> > Hai provato a eseguire la mia configurazione? Se per te funziona, copia tutte le patch abilitate nella mia configurazione nella tua > > some I can't find, could...
> > > Hai provato a eseguire la mia configurazione? Se per te funziona, copia tutte le patch abilitate nella mia configurazione nella tua > > > > > >...
Are you using broadcom or intel, mine is for broadcom, you only need to change some kext to make it work
> > Are you using broadcom or intel, mine is for broadcom, you only need to change some kext to make it work > > hey there, i have used...
Ok, so you should disable the patch at /Kernel/Block. The Skywalker dowgrade one and try to boot again