John Voloski

Results 4 issues of John Voloski

Thinking on improvements in the development and distribution process we are correcting the following steps: - [X] - Bump Node Version - [X] - Adding Bower JSON - [X] -...

Colocar uma opção de clear no options da máscara para caso não seja preenchido toda a máscara exemplo 'nnn.nnn.nnn-nn' (CPF) ao sair do campo ele seja limpado.

``` ruby some_hash = { 'jsonrpc' => 'xxxx', 'jsonversion' => 1 } some_hash.to_json wrong argument type JSON::Pure::Generator::State(expected Data) (TypeError) ``` I solved the problem implementing: `lib/json/pure/generator.rb:413` ``` ruby class Fixnum...

When I try to render a field whose name in my model is `:format` is happening this error: `too few arguments` ``` ruby child :item do attributes :format end ```