John Stiles
John Stiles
Our team recently found a case (indirectly, via fuzzing) where simple code could lead to timeout during compilation. The issue is that glslang sets no upper bound on the size...
Go to and click "skia -> open crashes": Latency to open the Skia Testcases page is very high, approaching 1 minute. Changing any search setting (Reproducible, Security, Issue,...
The following GLSL code compiles in every GLSL implementation I have immediate access to: glslang, WebGL and Apple GLSL. ``` void main(void) { int y; for (int x=0; x
Noticed a strange/misleading comment in png.c. `pos = png_safecat(message, (sizeof message), pos, "h: "); /* +2 = 116 */` The string being appended, `h: `, is three characters long—not two....
The Reference pages for `atan` indicate that "the result is undefined if x=0". However, the GLSL specification does not match, and for atan it states "results are undefined if...