Lisa K. Johnson

Results 15 comments of Lisa K. Johnson

@camillescott 's wizardry fixing the problem: Thank you!

Here is info on new v2:

This still seems to be happening - Installed from `master` (pull on 12/20/2018) from `dib-lab/dammit` on bridges hpc. Ran with 3 custom aa db. Is this something that I am...

Here's the command script: ``` #!/bin/bash -l #SBATCH -D /pylon5/bi5fpmp/ljcohen/kfish_dammit/sbatch_files/ #SBATCH -J dammit_F_notti #SBATCH -o /pylon5/bi5fpmp/ljcohen/kfish_dammit/sbatch_files/dammit_F_notti-%j.o #SBATCH -e /pylon5/bi5fpmp/ljcohen/kfish_dammit/sbatch_files/dammit_F_notti-%j.o #SBATCH -t 60:00:00 #SBATCH -p LM #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node 14 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task...

Thank you for your reply - This is true, there are some intersections with zero, although I'm not much interested in those. I am expecting large numbers (in the thousands)...