John Makar

Results 22 comments of John Makar

> ESP32 is not listed as a SW Serial capable platform, mostly due to lack of testing, so there's not constructor to match that. > > Try this branch where...

@totum Do you mind sharing your code? I am not sure if I am setting up my driver completely correct. Mine connects but the motor does not spin

@totum Thanks so much! I am using the TMC5161 from BTT as well but with an ESP-32 NodeMCU. Because the ESP 32 does not use register manipulation for interrupts, do...

This is what I have, and I checked that everything is wired as it should be, the motor is hissing as if it was running. I know the motor and...

@totum Hey, just pinging you. Not sure if you saw my last comment but would appreciate input, if you have any :)

Thanks for the reply @totum , the timers on the ESP32 seem to only use hardware interrupts tied to GPIO pins. As far as I can tell, we don't have...

Do you have plans in the foreseeable future to support the ESP32? There seems to a bit of interest around it; myself included.

In regards to the 5160/5161 where SPI is the only communication available, I get compilation errors such as: (using the TMCStepper-tmc2300 branch) TMC_HAL_Arduino.cpp:37:40: error: invalid conversion from 'char*' to 'uint8_t*...

sorry, cast them from where? In the sketch where I am creating an instance of the driver... `TMC5160Stepper driver(SPI, csPin, r_sense);` or in the TMCStepper.h file? `TMC5160Stepper(SPIClass &spi, TMCStepper_n::PinDef pinCS,...

Can the example sketch run on the 5161?