John Mitsch
John Mitsch
@JonUK Hi, did you ever figure out a way to do this? I am trying to do the same
Hi @jeffmcutter, be sure to accept the self-signed certificates at https://$HOSTNAME:3808, see [here]( for more information. You may run into [this issue]( as well. Check these first, and if you...
Seeing the same thing, not sure what changed as well or if it has anything to do with webpack and it's dependencies.
@JohanPetersson did you try with `--http2 false`? Unfortunately we are on `webpack-dev-server` 2.11 and I don't see this option, but removing `h2` from the array [here]( fixed it.
@JohanPetersson Sorry, I actually think I'm seeing a separate issue, using http2 with the generated self-signed cert results in the browser complaining about `NS_ERROR_NET_INADEQUATE_SECURITY`. I was able get around it...
> @alexander-akait I will try running the app on different host. Thanks for the suggestion. I however don't see how this will change the generation of the certificate. My understanding...
> Exactly. That's how donet/kestrel solves it, you trust a root certificate which is then used by all generated development certificates. That would be nice, however I don't think [selfsigned](
It appears that all items in an array are treated as the same type. When I do ``` 2.2.2 :010 > [Katello::Repository.first, Katello::ContentViewPuppetEnvironment.first] ``` I am seeing ``` Hirb Error:...
sure, so I am doing this on a two-column version number, one is major and the other minor. so version 3.1 is stored in as major => 3 and minor...
@ohadlevy this is a good idea, thanks :)