John Omotani
John Omotani
The regions introduced in #107 are based on slicing the Dataset with global indices. The indices stored in `Region` objects will not be correct if the Dataset is sliced for...
It would be nice to have some generic interpolation method to convert a Dataset to a higher (or lower) resolution grid. We could then use `to_restart()` to create restart files...
At the moment when the targets are plotted, they are drawn along the line of the first/last _grid_ points in the y-direction. They should really be half way between...
It would be nice to have a `poloidal_plot` argument to `plot2d_wrapper()` (and so for `BoutDataArray.pcolormesh()`, `BoutDataArray.contour()` and `BoutDataArray.contourf()`) like `animate2D()` and `animate_list()` have so that we can turn off the...
When using the `BoutDataArray` version of `interpolate_parallel()`, the result returned does not have the `regions` attribute created. `regions` is only created in the `BoutDataset` version. This means that the result...
At the moment `interpolate_parallel` is implemented for `BoutDataArray`, and `BoutDataset.interpolate_parallel()` iterates over the member variables. This means that the coordinates get interpolated many times. It would probably be more efficient...
Currently `FieldPerp` variables are not supported, we just skip them when loading Following discussion here, I think what we want to do is: * check if a variable...
When a new version of `boutdata` is released (0.1.3), we should be able to use `assert_identical` instead of `assert_equals` in and because that release will add the `BoutOptions.__eq__()`...
Known bug with matplotlib Is only an issue with Firefox 68 (which is still the version on Freia). Workaround is > go to `about:config`, and set `layout.css.resizeobserver.enabled` to...
It might be nice to support multiple backends for animations. Shouldn't be too hard to refactor the animation methods to just pass off the actual plotting to different external libraries....