
Results 13 comments of johnnyontheweb

Same error here with v. 4.2.1 w64 for windows: syms d T=[1 d 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 d 0 0 0 1] fails with: error:...

sorry, I read [that page]( but I think it was a too old bug to not be solved yet. Thanks for the info.

Anyone? This issue still persists in actual version

Same error for me. Which reference to include? Actually, the project has only Newtonsoft.Json.

Hello, my code still doesn't work for that. I'm sure it's a problem of my code, because Xbim Xplorer can read the attached model. []( I cannot read beams with...

solo non capisco come mai non esista l'Enum adatto per il RepresentationType. Il codice importa geometrie, e devo specializzarlo per ogni tipo, come già fatto per SweptSolid in ImportSweptSolidBeams. >...

esatto è proprio questo il problema.

Is there any news on this? I still cannot find Damage2p material...

This seems to be independent of the file, I believe this is a bug, since in XbimGeometry-master\Xbim.Geometry.Engine.Interop\XbimGeometryEngine.cs there's a call to Create like this: `public IXbimGeometryObject Create(IIfcGeometricRepresentationItem ifcRepresentation) { return...

Hello, thanks for your reply. Before to release Xbim Xplorer 5.1, I want to draw your attention on another similar bug. I tried with the current code contained in XbimWindowsUI...