Results 109 comments of Johnny

Thanks for raising this! ## Tasks - [ ] Write a basic description for what the `ipfs-404.html` page does. - [ ] Can likely grab the **Custom 404 Pages** paragraph...

Here's the main question from that thread: > if I publish a folder (with an IPNS address) from my node1, I pin that folder to the node2 (I suppose you...

Good call. Having this doc would be very handy, especially for folks running local hackathons that want an in-house gateway to run things from! I've put the `p2` tag on...

I'm not really sure why I threw the `bounty` tag on here, I usually have the tasks fleshed out before I do that. Ah well, here we are. I'm gonna...

This'd be a nice addition. Unfortunately, it's not super high priority right now. If any community members want to talk up this issue though, any PRs would be really appreciated!

This sounds like a _nice to have_ `P2` task. Can up the priority if you think it's urgent @momack2. The list of nodes can fit into [`how-to/configure-node/#bootstrap`]( quite nicely.

This is tricky. Updating a list of public and live bootstrap nodes could be costly in terms of time. What would be better is if we had an automated service...

Oh I see! So this list of nodes will act as a backup in case the default bootstrap nodes go down for whatever reason. Makes sense. We could pretty easily...

I've reached out to the IPFS team to see if we can get an authoritative list of community-ran bootstrap nodes.

I take it those links need to be defined in the front-matter of each article, correct? Or will it just take those values from the sidebar nav?