Results 109 comments of Johnny

@pooja, is this issue meant to make the price unit consistent across both _ask prices_ and _deal information_ so they both use the same unit (they'd both display `FIL` for...

This is a fair issue. Something that we need to clear up is that content is never _pinned_ in Filecoin; only IPFS can pin things. Filecoin nodes do run IPFS...

Looks good. I think we might want to add a section about Super Large Data (terabytes worth). Storing this much data isn't gonna apply to most devs, but it might...

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Everything looks fine now @ianconsolata! Nice job! ```shell $ npm install npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: This module is not used anymore. npm config is parsed by npm itself and by...

We're currently using the DocSearch service provided by Algolia to open-source projects. This is a pretty big limitation. We don't get any of the fun/useful features like search predictions, location-specific...

Yeahp... ![image](