> > > @shahzaibraza37 , I will;. Give me a few days for cleanup pls do share.
> @johnjaiharjose : Soon. Am in the middle of cleanup. Here is an appetizer: >  > > Woah, Truly Amazing.Waiting badly for your code. I see you have...
@bertelschmitt Thank you so much for your detailed and well explained answers! This clears so many things for me! 👍
> > > Hi, > I've been having trouble getting things to work. Now, i tried to debug things a bit with some JS and websockets. > > From what...
> There's no good app or anything to control the new TV's anymore, i even wonder how well it works with samsungs own home-automation, because i don't see how that...
> > > With my UE60J6289 it just dosnt work. > I delete all permissions and tried it again. > > When i connect to the WebSocket endpoint, only the...