
Results 8 comments of johnidelight

@werkt I encountered same issue when building aosp aganist buildfarm RE service, please help on it. Thanks! Below is buildfarm service log: Aug 10, 2022 11:22:32 AM build.buildfarm.instance.server.AbstractServerInstance logFailedStatus INFO:...

@werkt Thanks for your > Your excerpt of TreeLayout shows the path in the source, but the error indicates that `main` as the working directory does not exist at the...

@werkt Note that I added --incompatible_remote_output_paths_relative_to_input_root option for bazel build, if not include this option, there is no error in buildfarm RE service, but the client failed to find,...

I resolved the error (../bazel_tools/tools/genrule/ No such file or directory) by making a copy of "bazel_tools" dir to related dirs, but finally RE service shows the origin error again with...

@werkt According to my above testing, the issue is not related with --incompatible_remote_output_paths_relative_to_input_root option, the "working directory is not an input directory" error is always shown with or without the...

@werkt There is no __main__ path in below command output, only bazel_tools dir and its children. I think the .. in the origin command is lost: ('/bin/bash', '-c', 'source ../bazel_tools/tools/genrule/;...

@werkt Just found that for normal code compilation, the remote exection is OK, but NOT OK for "source ../bazel_tools/tools/genrule/". Please help to check it. Thanks! bazel-bin/src/main/java/build/buildfarm/tools/bf-cat localhost:8980 memory SHA256 Action...

@werkt Just tried to turn off the working dir validation logic(replace it by a warning log) in below file: src/main/java/build/buildfarm/instance/server/ validateCommand(): if (nextDirectory == directory) { // preconditionFailure // .addViolationsBuilder()...