Solved by adding ``` buildTypes { release { } debug { } profile { } innerTest { matchingFallbacks = ['debug', 'release'] } } ``` into the android part of the...
Add that to your in your android studio project: ``` unityStreamingAssets=.unity3d, google-services-desktop.json, google-services.json, GoogleService-Info.plist ``` Or whatever value is that in your unity project. Check your setting.gradle in your...
The error is telling you what to do. I suggest reading the readme. Keep in mind that ``` C:Program FilesUnityHubEditor2020.3.26f1EditorDataPlaybackEnginesAndroidPlayerNDK ``` is in no way a valid path. Also x86...
These warning are fine, you can ignore them. You would need to use the Messaging system. Like sending a message to a gameobject/script in your scene which then loads a...
Is that something we can get looked into? Forge removed the canUseCommand(String) method which sponge api 7 somehow catched to check perms for Forge only plugins(?). Only way to check...
Since the early days of timings 2013, or at least I remember using it since then, timings were an easy and quick command to check a servers rough health status....
> **Bad data is worse than no data.** If the timings are inaccurate, then they should not be there - and that was a factor in our decisions. That statement...
I am not 100% sure, but I think this happens when the Forge commands has aliases set. The reported commands are just aliases
Hm no, when using one of these aliases LP does not check for a permission and it just says All commands, even the failing ones are registered during "RegisterCommandsEvent"
Hi, any final thoughts for this amazing feature? Still on 3.3.1 because we wanna keep it:p