@mvandeberg I got what you are saying. I checked ex-compile steemd, it has on the master repo. I have trying compile from stable repo, started replay. I will tell you...
@mvandeberg thanks for reply. When I ran steemd, I add option for **--replay-blockchain**. and log looks like this. First of all, aware that I download latest blockchain snapshot. logs below....
+ FYI, blog index was empty when I had started to block replay.
@erikd thanks for the reply. I need running node for (explore block + tx feature) & (send tx feature). Which repos I have to settle up?
@erikd I have checked both repos you mentioned. Those have not official release. I think we'd better find solution based on this repo.
@erikd Thanks for you kind advice. you mean that ``` constraints: brick >= 0.47 && < 0.50 , unliftio-core < ``` part have to be added in repo **...
@erikd I just have tried based on you advice. But below message shown. ``` cabal: Failed to build cardano-explorer-db-1.3.0 ```
this is cabla.project in repo at my local. ``` packages: cardano-explorer-db cardano-explorer-db/test cardano-explorer-node cardano-explorer-webapi cardano-tx-submit constraints: brick >= 0.47 && < 0.50 , unliftio-core < package cardano-explorer-db ghc-options:...