
Results 5 comments of johndiego

Someone solutions? I 'm same problem!! =(

I am try this.. ``` func main() { reply := make(chan []byte) RedisCnx.Subscribe("MENSAGEM-USER", reply) e := echo.New() e.HideBanner = true e.GET("/teste", func(c echo.Context) error { RedisCnx.Publish("MENSAGEM-USER", "AAAAAAA") return c.String(http.StatusOK, "Hello,...

this is possible using stream of echo?

@MigAru look.. Working with select delete update too! ``` keys:= {"tste1","teste2"} values:= {"tste1","teste2"} ib := sqlbuilder.PostgreSQL.NewInsertBuilder().SQL("with data as (") ib.InsertInto("my_table") ib.Cols(keys...) ib.Values(values...) ib.SQL(`returning * ) select TO_JSON(data) as data from...