John Harrison
John Harrison
This seems to be an issue when RStudio is used as an IDE. Using the RGui or command line R I don't seem to encounter this issue. ``` library(RSelenium) library(servr)...
Thanks @petermeissner for reporting this. I see the same across os's. As an aside you can use chrome headless with win 10 now see . I would imagine an...
If you start a selenium server manually it will have a default port of 4444. You may have issues with the default 4444 port with MAC as it runs kerberos...
`RJSONIO` fails to install with `devtools`. In addition `RJSONIO` has conflicts with `covr`. In light of this `jsonlite` and `rjson` were looked at as direct replacements. `rjson` was chosen as...
The utility functions in util.R are mainly tested using mocking.
Hi Toby, Are you running this on a MAC? This is likely an issue with native events and Selenium. Depending on the version of firefox/Selenium native events may not function....
You can try adding a capability: |Key | Type | Description| |--|--|--| |acceptSslCerts | boolean | Whether the session should accept all SSL certs by default.| ``` rD
Looking at It maybe sufficient to set up a new profile in chrome. In this new profile log into tableau server enabling auto login. Then call this profile when...
I don't have access to a tableau server to test unfortunately. It is not possible to launch chrome using an existing session (profile) currently.
The suggested method to run Selenium is via Docker containers see the docker vignette for details . Alternatively you can use the `rsDriver` utility function which will attempt to...