John Ericksen

Results 186 comments of John Ericksen

I'll consider it, but I do like keeping the annotation names simple and readable... even if you do have to use them fully-qualified from time to time.

Actually, aliasing could be accomplished... I'll have to think about it though.

@dbachelder , this was you right? I'm leaning more in this direction now. I kindof like `@TView`... should we also change `@Activity` to `@TActivity`?

what's your preference on naming convention? Prepend with a T (Ugh, I hate to copy Android Annotations here, they prepend with E: `@EActivity`)? Append a 'Ref'?

Right now FragmentManager is available if you extend the `` class without the need to use a `@Provides`. Looks like I missed including the FragmentManager available on the FragmentActivity and...

I'm going to leave this open as a reminder.

This highlights a problem with the Context injection into Providers that has not been solved yet... we should inject the Application into Providers. Will address soon.

Here's the culprit: We should be building a new `AnalysisContext` here with a new `InjectionNodeBuilderRepository` tailored for building the Provider's injection graph

I have a couple changes I made recently to be able to publish this on maven central. I have a couple other tweaks to make, mainly to accommodate other libraries...

They may affect how you reference the rbridge library.