John Ericksen

Results 186 comments of John Ericksen

@goodsoft, in case it wasn't obvious, the stop-gap solution would be the following: ``` java @Application class App { @Inject Library lib; @Observes void onEvent (SomeEvent event) { lib.onEvent(event); }...

Right now the namespaces are hardcoded into the `org.androidtransfuse.model.manifest.package-info` class. I wonder if we could make this more dynamic... like it would pick up a base set and add to...

Possibly... what need support?

Great idea and this may go hand in hand with different manifest generation strategies... ie: you having to manually add the activity to the manifest. Also, this would be a...

Right, referencing the Intent Strategies is one of the few times when you need to use the generated classes directly. How are you injecting the concrete version of a component?

Fragments do need to be referenced directly as well currently... but I wonder if we could make a Fragments utility to instantiate the related generated code instead of having you...

Injection doesn't work in this case because Transfuse didn't process the test class. This brings up an excellent idea though, what if we had an injector you could use for...

You could also write your injections manually. This is essentially what Transfuse would write for you: ``` java @RunWith(RobolectricGradleTestRunner.class) public class ProductServiceTest { ProductService productService; @Before public void setup(){ productService...

You're correct, `@NonConfigurationInstance` is not implemented for fragments currently. I'm currently refactoring the codebase to make this easier to implement. Stay tuned.

@airblaster, Looking at this issue deeper, would work for you as an alternative in Fragments?