Results 5 comments of John Lang

Hi @lukasjuhas, [Pull Request #50]( is now available for review, discussion and feedback. The 'Maintenance Mode' plugin with the new 2.5.2 features has been successfully unit/beta tested on these websites....

Hi Lukas, Additional checks before the `wp_die()` call would fundamentally allow specific scenarios/conditions to by-pass the maintenance mode page being actioned. The six most useful scenarios/conditions seem to be: 1....

Hi Lukas, The [get_header() function]( confirms that it will fire the 'get_header' actions. However, there is no guarantee that a theme hasn't high-jacked the header actions and removed the fundamental...

Hi Lukas, This can be resolved with a `current_user_can('administrator')` condition added next to the existing `current_user_can('super admin')` check. It will gives the logged in user, who is an administrator, a...

Hi Lukas and Tim, ### Minor Request 1 (above) Choosing not to implement in 2.5.1 as it generates `` which messes with spacing, presentation and look-n-feel of any current maintenance...