Johnathan Lyman

Results 7 issues of Johnathan Lyman

We found an issue in the ANSI code matching that doesn't work well with a couple different ANSI combinations. **Case 1:** If a user has the valid code of `0;33;49m`,...

From Papertrail chat: > I installed .deb package and was not able to demonize it without manual delete the .pid file.


Submitting this on behalf of a user. When deploying remote_syslog2 in an automated fashion, it helps to be able to use environment variables to automatically point remote_syslog2 in the right...

This is related to the plugin's presence, but I'm having a hard time figuring out what's going on behind the scenes. Each of ``` Rendering: Pre-Render Hooks: Rendering...


We're noticing with the daemons gem that when it detaches the process for daemonization, it closes all the file descriptors and I/O streams. On the surface that's fine, but when...

Found this and thought it'd be useful to put against my MB8611. What I'm seeing is that the first collection works fine, but subsequent collections fail until "no response" is...


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