
Results 24 comments of johannes

@Freyskeyd Hi! Just checking if you're still working on this package?

A similar use case is having multiple, complex components in a single page (or nested components -> same app), whereas each component should handle its own pinia instance/store.

@akxcv The problem is this check: This also happens when using dynamic imports for components: ```js components: { MyComponent: () => import( /* webpackChunkName: 'MyComponent' */ '@/components/MyComponent.vue' ), }...

@kaorun343 I get the same error. As soon as I use the default object notation `export default { ... }` I don't get any errors. When I use `export default...

> I tried with Emojis and it looks pretty cool actually. Thanks @hesspoint I'm trying to do the same - just out of curiosity, what Emojis did you use?

This doesn't always work, especially when the structure of the HTML has to be maintained. You can also add a component in a SFC as data and pass it to...

Yes it does update on page reload. Right, otherwise the relative time stays static.

I think the runtime to support this could be rather small. code-splitting UMD would just require another UMD wrapper for the split file. I've written a small plugin for my...

Rollup could at least support code-splitting on a named module basis. I wrote a plugin that replaces a dynamic import call with an UMD-factory for named modules: ```js /** *...

I'm not 100% sure, but in production I only had problems using `SystemJS`. I've worked with `RequireJS` for years and never had an issue, or an issue that I couldn't...