Joffrey Bion

Results 97 issues of Joffrey Bion

When opening produced docx files in Word, I get the following error: > The xml data is invalid according to the schema. Location: Part: /word/document.xml, Line:0, Column:0 And then Word...

I'm using DocxStamper from Kotlin, and my context for templating is basically full of data classes. Data classes are final and don't have a 0-arg constructor. Both of which seem...

Since JDK9, JAXB classes are not on the classpath by default, and they are supposed to be removed in JDK11. Thanks to [this SO thread](, I found out that adding...

Currently, we only provide a convenient helper function for domain commands if all input parameters are optional. In that case we provide an overload without arguments, and an overload with...


Currently all input/output types for domain commands are data classes. While these are easy to declare on library side, and use on the consumer side, they can [cause a bunch...


In some use cases, the DevTools debugger server might take some time to start, and it is not always obvious how to synchronize with it. The current HTTP client doesn't...

The basic Kotlin API for the CDP don't really need documentation because they are defined by the protocol itself. However, all extensions are invisible to users (apart from IDE autocompletion)...


I have noticed the answer on and read the concerns expressed in which is presented as a solution to this problem. While I concur with the naming challenges...


**What is your use-case and why do you need this feature?** There has been several use cases mentioned in different issues that require to add the discriminator in more places,...


I maintain a library depending on this one, but I currently cannot publish it for IR JS backend just because of this one. Is there anyway this could be built...