Joey Litalien

Results 5 issues of Joey Litalien

In the implementation of PSSMLT, `m_sensorSampler` and `m_emitterSampler` are swapped. The object initialization for `m_pathSampler` does not follow the `PathSampler`'s [default constructor signature]( You can check that this is the...

The `mesh_to_octree()` function in `ops/spc/` has a number of surface samples hardcoded to 100M for voxel initialization. This consumes a large amount of memory, so much that even on a...

According to the documentation, it seems like `kaolin.ops.spc.to_dense()` returns a tensor of size `[bs, feature_dim, 2^l, 2^l, 2^l]`. However, this seems weird as a feature grid should be of size...

Hi, I'm currently trying to compile pbrt-v4 with GPU support but I am running into the following error when I enable GPU compiling (CPU works fine). I'm running on CUDA...

Hi Francis, Thanks for your great work, love your library! I usually develop on Linux but wanted to try your lib on my M1 Macbook. To my surprise, it failed...