Jie Song

Results 20 comments of Jie Song

Thanks for clarification. I pulled the latest version to try webp. However the result is unstable. That is some tiles display ok while others display in blank. I opened one...

[default.webp.zip](https://github.com/ruven/iipsrv/files/9387375/default.webp.zip) This is the image itself.


https://localhost/i/3/9a0710ad4dc651a3a02e5d20f9e1f9c5/5120,1024,712,1024/356,512/0/default.webp [9a0710ad4dc651a3a02e5d20f9e1f9c5.zip](https://github.com/ruven/iipsrv/files/9388249/9a0710ad4dc651a3a02e5d20f9e1f9c5.zip) It's a pyramid tiff in webp.

TileManager getRegion :: Total tiles in image: 6x5 tiles TileManager getRegion :: Tile start: 5,1 with offset: 0,0 TileManager getRegion :: Tile end: 5,1 TileManager :: Cache miss for resolution:...

Thanks for your advice. Just wondering is there some performance penalty if the tif is encoded in format other than webp, but output as webp?

Thanks for detailed explanation. You are correct that the problem lies in libwebp or chrome side. I will investigate further.

Can you open this IIP. generated webp from your computer? I failed to display it in both my PC and mac. [Uploading 709294bbc45a494dfdec23c031fa5488.webp.zip…]()

Sorry, I couldn't the image any more. Thanks a lot for all the following up till now.