Jörn Röder

Results 27 issues of Jörn Röder

after adding `hooka` to my project i get the following. do you have any plans to fix it by upgrading the dependency versions? thx ``` $ npm i hooka --save...

Hey, i'm currently just playing around, and looked over the source. I saw that you're referencing the `window` object at some points. As far as i checked it out this...

I'm getting the following warning after mounting the component. Do you have any plans in improving this? **Warning:** ReactMap is accessing getDOMNode or findDOMNode inside its render(). render() should be...

Hey, it's a long time ago since new commits arrived … is this repo still alive? I'm researching for a new application and would love to try engine.js!

being able to pull this repo via composer would be nice. there is an open pull request that illustrates what needs to be changed by @bnomei here https://github.com/TimOetting/kirby-v3-builder/pull/1

I'd love to updated the styling of the tooltip content based on a flag which indicates whether the tooltip is show on the left or right of the vertical crosshair....


sometimes i'm having nested components inside a "Smooth Component" and one of them is toggling a value in it's internal state and the component inside the `` never gets updated...

Hey, thanks for maintaining and enhancing this module so actively! I'm using it for quite a while inside an app i'm building, mostly inside https://github.com/Akryum/v-tooltip tooltips, let me give you...

I'm getting a `TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'Object.keys(a[0])')` after pasting my 3 column table from Numbers in the following function: ``` function transpose(a) { return Object.keys(a[0]).map(function(c) {...

Resizing the canvas and optionally recenter the graph on window resize would be a nice. I would also send you a pull request ;)

feature request