Joseph Muller
Joseph Muller
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** The salutation attribute of Account needs to be added to the FrozenAuthor model as frozen_salutation along with a salutation() function...
This standardizes the behaviour of the workflow manager page we already have: - Can move articles forward as well as back - Logic allows movement to or from any stage...
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** At the moment the custom styling plugin can only be used to change styling on journals, not on preprint servers....
Closes #3051.    
**Describe the bug** When an article is accepted, several events are triggered behind the scenes such as depositing the article with Crossref and moving the article to the next workflow...
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Janeway's workflow elements seem to have been designed to keep you with an article when moving between workflow elements. The...
**Describe the bug** These hardcoded IDs pass when sqlite is used as a testing database but not with Postgres: **Janeway version** 1.4.2