Joe Webb
Joe Webb
in google colab I had the same issue when trying to import this: ``` from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip ``` then did ```!pip install imageio==2.4.0``` and then restarted the kernal, and...
On SageMaker, I am also running into a similar issue using python, not the CLI, for training with 4 GPUs and have upgraded ultalytics to 8.0.11. The exact same code...
@Laughing-q - yes, right after training is about to finish. Here is the log output where it starts to fail, happy to send you full outputs with training included if...
@Laughing-q - any idea if version 8.0.12 fixes these issues?
Yash, I am having a difficult time running any of the Matlab files for the demo. Did you have to change the original code to run it correctly? Hopefully if...
Are there any updates on this? We spent the better part of yesterday troubleshooting the same issue, but trying to work with python 3.11 instead of 3.8. Following Ian's blog...
Updating the creds with aws configure didn't solve it for me. Then I realized that since I was using AWS profiles set up in ~/.aws/config and ~/.aws/credentials, your zappa setting...
@hayd - have you tried deleting your ~/.aws/credentials file and then re-running `aws configure` ?