Joel Palmer

Results 6 comments of Joel Palmer

This is a great discussion. Good points all around. The "one-stop-shop" is very convenient, especially when it comes to the most popular pickers. I know my eyes got big a...

> @jeetsukumaran Nice, [original]( works better than [updated]( > > If I use updated version, it opens file (correct name in top bar) but buffer is empty. Original seems to...

> > @joelpalmer and @Racle -- are you using Windows machines? Maybe because I'm not special-casing/abstracting out the path separator to account for Windows vs POSIX (`/` vs `\`), this...

> That does the trick - thanks! Yep! I am on `NVIM v0.7.0-dev+653-g7229afcd6` and `MacOS 11.6`. This last revision works perfectly. I also had a bug in my config that...

Hi @jeetsukumaran & web searchers - Found one other line that causes problems with various pickers, both builtin & from extensions (**telescope zoxide** & **telescope git_commits** etc) that need their...

We are having the performance issues with no snapshots. We are collecting coverage though. Significant slowdown from 24 -> 25. 2 different projects. It varies but the slowdown is significant...