Joel Manuel De Jesus
Joel Manuel De Jesus
I added a Signature hash flag SIGHASH_FORKID_UAHF=0x40, as well as a bp_script_sign_with_value function that processes both legacy Bitcoin transactions, as well as the new UAHF compliant transactions. I was not...
How can I get the nTweak parameter based on the nHashFunc in Bloom.h? I am using [Filterload/merkleblock]( protocol documentation to try to figure out how to output the appropriate messages...
I added a client for tokens and Serum so that a user will be able to: - issue tokens - list a new trading pair on Serum The Serum test...
I changed `proxy.frame` to `proxy.Frame` and added a `Size() int` method to allow the proxy to measure data throughput in an interceptor.