Joel Costigliola

Results 219 comments of Joel Costigliola

After applying your suggestions, the build time is back to ~2min, @marchof feel free to close that issue and thanks again for the investigation.

Hi, AssertJ Core is experiencing the same issue I believe when we check contributors PR test coverage, ex: We experienced this issue for a while, the AssertJ codebase has...

@hcoles I have re-enabled pitest on assertj-core pull requests, the OOM is gone (yay!) but the build failed due to tests failing without mutation as per the logs of

Thanks for the quick reply, build succeeds now with the JVM args, looking forward to the next release.

Sure, @gervaisb are you keen to contribute this one ?

The first option is fine, that is adding `protected abstract DateAssert assertionInvocationWithXmlGregorinaCalendarArg();` to `AbstractDateAssertWithDateArg_Test`. We should also rename `AbstractDateAssertWithDateArg_Test` to something like`AbstractDateAssertWithDifferentArgType_Test`.

@gervaisb please create a PR, that's make it easier to review your contribution.

@gervaisb After giving it some proper thoughts, I feel we need to clarify the proposed assertion, what is the concrete use case? The example shown comparing a `LocalDate` with a...

Fair enough, it is then important to clearly explain what the assertion behavior is regarding to time zones, especially when comparing local date/time with a XmlGregorianCalendar. I will add my...