Joel Baxter
Joel Baxter
(This is only if we're doing nodeprep.) We could at least check for python2, curl, and tar. Fail the deploy and put the cluster CR in error state if the...
Explore ways to best configure inter-namespace network isolation while still allowing external access. Does KD need to get involved with configuring or monitoring this?
Investigate the possibility of providing KubeDirectorApp resources from an external feed.
Technically we only need to serialize the processing of *creating* state and/or *delete_pending* state members across roles. (Watch out for handleDeletePendingMembers modifying a membersByState map though; maps are not threadsafe.)
In UpdateHeadlessService, UpdatePodService, and UpdateStatefulSetNonReplicas we could check to see if an object property has been changed out-of-band in a way that affects us. And then try to set it...
We need log storage that can outlive the KD container (and provide easier access).
We allow specifying a full "resource" per role, but when we translate this to the "flavor" concept that startscripts/bdvcli works in we only pay attention to the "limits". What should...
"Node" means something quite specific in K8s-land. Wherever the KD source says "node" it should say "member" or "pod" instead.