Joel Baxter
Joel Baxter
In K8s land, persistent shared storage is needed not only for migration, but also if we want to support a pause/restart kind of behavior that doesn't lose disk state. I...
operator-sdk v0.15.2 depends on operator-registry v1.5.7 depends on otiai10/copy v1.0.1 and otiai10/mint v1.2.4. The otiai10 code depends on, which has a license that says it can't be used for...
This is the big gap in our authoring docs at the moment. As we tackle this we'll undoubtedly come across some rough spots and on a case-by-case basis we can...
We need to take into account that there is an upper limit on the CR document size. When KD modifies the document to write status it could violate that limit....
Find a happy medium where we 1) reduce the need for cmdline users to hop around getting multiple other objects to get a complete picture, but 2) don't make the...
Inside the config object, define deploy-time choices and the available selections for each choice. For each selection, optionally define another config to apply when that selection is chosen (activate more...
Currently we notify role members about three different events: - you are being created - some other member is being created - some other member is being deleted We should...
There are now multiple spots in our code where we do a PATCH, and multiple ways in which we handle defining a data structure for the PATCH payload, sometimes with...