Joe Guilmette
Joe Guilmette
I'm too tired to Google this. But, before pushing 1.3.0 to we need to add a notice for users to let them know that their search engine visibility settings...
Keeping WPLT's version of Airplane Mode in sync is an ongoing task. Airplane Mode repo: Changes that need to be applied to Airplane Mode for WPLT: - Only use...
I tried this: ``` $mu_plugins = 'false'; // check if plugin is in mu-plugins function my_plugin_override() { $mu_plugins = 'true'; } add_action( 'muplugins_loaded', 'my_plugin_override' ); if ($mu_plugins == 'false') {...
It would be very useful to be able to compare columns. For example deaths per recovered case, deaths per confirmed case, active cases per recovered case, etc.
It will be useful to see, for example Deaths per Million, Severe Cases per Million, etc.
Today is often left at 0, perhaps because the last recorded results were added recorded yesterday, but only a few hours ago. Changing to last 24hrs will solve this issue.
We ran in to an issue where styles from WPide were bleeding in to the admin pages for WP All Import. We've modified how WPide uses the admin_body_class filter and...
Pull request: #48 The fix is pretty simple, let me know if you run in to any issues.