
Results 14 comments of joede

For some reason, I have started `arduino` from the command line. I have already added your package manager JSON file to the IDE. The stderr shows the following messages: ~~~~...

That would be very interesting. May be [libopencm3]( could act as some kind of HAL.

This is what I have done for a first check: ```C++ bool showHelp = true; int width = 0; std::string name; bool doIt = false; std::string command; int main (...

@hassanfarid Sorry for the long delay, but I hadn't time to reply. I'm not the developer of Clara and I have no idea how to check this. My first thought...

@philsquared with `std::optional`, a "useable" default value still has to be set after calling `cli.parse()`. On the other side, detecting a change by comparing the default value duplicates the usage...

First of all, I am not the original poster of this question. This was only my interpretation of the problem. ;-) So we must wait until @hassanfarid clarifies the problem....

@philsquared thanks for your replies. Your reference to the test passing a lamba is interesting. I feared Clara couldn't determine a data type, so the lamba must convert the string...

OK, just to have it complete. Here is an updated example. Feel free to move it into a wiki page or so. ~~~~C++ // Small example of how to use...

It tell's the parser that this option is "required". This means, the option must be passed to the application.

Thanks for the fast reply. Your fork of log4qt is the only one I've found compiling / running on Debian 8. All other projects requires Qt > 5.3 or the...