Joe Corcoran

Results 10 comments of Joe Corcoran

Hey @TheDan64, sorry you're having trouble here. I was just browsing some Rust/LLVM projects and came across this issue! If it'd help you to be able to inspect this issue...

Great! I'll post again here when I've got started. > I also think that vbb-stations-connected-to can be made smaller if we store the original IDs only once and use placeholder...

``` ~/Projects/cities master $ irb -rubygems -I lib irb(main):001:0> require 'cities' => true irb(main):002:0> Cities => Cities irb(main):003:0> ``` If you added `gem 'cities'` to your Gemfile, it should already...

v0.3.0 has been [available through Rubygems]( since April. Closing this ticket, try `bundle update cities`.

Ahhh, okay, that would make sense. Yep, I'll loosen the dependency and release a patch version later today.

Alright, [Cities v0.3.1 is on Rubygems]( now. Should solve your dependency problem.

I wrote a script to convert the [MaxMind data]( to JSON. I should really include that script in this repo.

Converted my dirty data munging script into a [rake task]( Should work fine with the latest data from [MaxMind]( ``` rake cities:generate[~/Downloads/worldcitiespop.txt] ```

Sure, go ahead! Just be aware that the data that MaxMind provides is not very clean, so each time a new file is released the munging code might need to...

Maybe this helps someone figure it out: I can run flamegraph 0.3.1 on macOS 10.14.6, but only when I pass no arguments to the executable. `sudo cargo flamegraph --bin mybin`...