Joseph Boyle
Joseph Boyle
I'm seeing a similar issue. I have a tree structure using nested Collapsible components built recursively. When the component renders, it's supposed to expand all of the collapsible panels down...
It seems my issue is related to the fact that `_measureContent` only gets called when the collapsible is expanded. If the content changes dynamically, the height does not get recalculated.
There is an area in the settings for specifying particular URLs or URL patterns:
I'm not sure if this is the same issue, but I also recently noticed that my svg icons have been showing up invisible. I believe this was working before (picking...
dropping [react-native-svg to 10.1.0]( solved my issue, so I don't believe it's an issue in this library 👍
@tcdavis Thanks for pointing that out in the docs. My most common issue with the nested imports was with the react-native-vector-icons package, but I've managed to get around that by...
I think @tcdavis hit that one on the head already. It sounds like you've made the conscious decision (for speed) to handle dependencies differently than NPM (everything needs to be...
The closest I've gotten to ideal usage is doing option 1 and passing in an all-encompassing route whose element can be used for shared layout and children can be defined...
Similar to this issue (on the android side) from 2017:
We're having the exact same issue. We did find a temporary workaround...if you don't specify the MIME type, it seems to work fine: