Self-Explanatory I think - adding a reference to a honeypot project I've been working on to help provide high-quality indicators back to the open-source community. Please let me know if...
Hey team, Noticed that there is no license present anywhere in the repository - would it be possible to add one similar to as a proactive measure as currently...
Currently, the code base lacks any form of testing - Pester tests should be developed to help keep development stable and ensure that functionality is not impacted when making any...
Currently we are using PowerShell cmdlets to retrieve this information - need to get the same information from the files directly for use in deadbox analysis.
Will likely use or a variation for this since the hard work has already been done. Just need to cherry-pick and refactor for my own needs on this one.
For offline drive analysis, we cannot directly query CIM classes for obvious reasons. Data related to WMI is stored in a few locations, provided below; C:\Windows\System32\wbem\Repository\OBJECTS.DATA - Objects managed by...
Hello team, Great module - but I am having a slight problem - when I execute my main() so that the entire script runs elevated, how can I maintain the...
Currently, LogBoost only runs on Windows due to how paths/directories are handled in many parts of the software - this can be easily addressed through more generic path handling/building mechanisms.