
Results 12 issues of joe9

Hello, The below error is showing up once in a while when I start a new terminal. with-afu-zle-rebinding:10: command not found: afu-zle-aysce-install Thanks Joe

Hello, This is my zstyle: zstyle -L zstyle ':completion:_' accept-exact-dirs true zstyle ':completion:_:options' auto-description %d zstyle :auto-fu:var autoable-function/skiplines '[[:blank:]\\\"'\'']_' zstyle :auto-fu:var autoable-function/skipwords '[\\]_' zstyle ':completion::complete:_' cache-path /home/j/var/zsh/zcompcache zstyle ':completion:hist-complete:_' completer...

Hello, I am trying to figure out how to switch between "predict-on"/"predict-off" and auto-fu. This is my predict-on setting. autoload predict-on zle -N predict-off zle -N predict-on bindkey '^Z' predict-on...

Hello, I get the below error when I source auto-fu.zsh more than once (while trying out a few things). with-afu-magic-insert~: maximum nested function level reached Thanks Joe

Hello, I could not compile with "make -j1 all dyn" strip -x -R .comment -R .note pic-x86_64/glob.o gcc -D__dietlibc__ -I. -isystem include -Os -fstrict-aliasing -momit-leaf-frame-pointer -mfancy-math-387 -W -Wall -Wextra -Wchar-subscripts...

Hello, It appears that Visolate fails with the below exception when there are any polygons in the pcb. java -jar /tmp/Visolate/releases/visolate-3.1.1.jar graphics device: :0.0 libGL error: failed to load driver:...

Hello, Thanks for sharing andromeda. It reduces so much boilerplate. It is an awesome idea. Is there any reason why andromeda does not throw an exception when the shader compile...

Hello, Thanks for sharing the library. Just want to check if you could add a pollAny function? or, if you have any objection to having such a function? Thanks

Hello, Just want to check if it is possible for the logs to be rotated while live? ``` ---------------------------------------- -- my usage of fast-logger --------------------------------------- -- 1 MiB = 1...