I'm encountering this issue as well. Any update?
I ran into the same issue. It looks like the JS files aren't included in the latest packaged version (1.0.2). They are included in 1.0.1 but downgrading to that version...
@abreits It looks like the JS files weren't packaged in the latest version, maybe due to a mistake when packaging. Could you repackage and publish latest to npm again?
I'm trying to get cookie based auth working, but I don't think its sending the cookie header. Here is what I have in the Headers tab, which works in Postman...
I see that it is sending the cookie header actually. But its not sending it as a signed cookie like it is in Postman. Unfortunately this is a blocker for...
> I'm trying to get cookie based auth working, but I don't think its sending the cookie header. Here is what I have in the Headers tab, which works in...
Thanks cookie authentication is working well!