Jody Hoon-Starr
Jody Hoon-Starr
Workaround: find the vueuse shared directory in your intellij based editor, right click, and "Mark directory as" -> "Not Excluded". E.g. in the project window right click `node_modules/@vueuse/core/node_modules/@vueuse/shared` then mark...
A use case here would be for graphql IDEs used only during dev. Postgraphile v5 has some [recipes for nuxt integration]( and a graphiql-like IDE called [ruru]( that can be...
Note: the steps below create the over broad policy mentioned above where httpd_t can read/write to socket files. Adding context for anyone else who ends up here. I ended up...
Confirmed as well. Good catch @kushagra-xo. Since installing 7.16.0 backups stopped appearing in `~/path/to/superProductivity/backups` and instead end up in a directory called `\backups` in $HOME. Setup: linux fedora 38 superproductivity...