Jocelyn Fiat
Jocelyn Fiat
I removed the concurrency support from this issue, and opened a new one issue#85
in branch "concurrent" this is a first impl for persistent connection but this is not yet integrated with EWF suspended for now due to other priority
Ok but obviously, we can also decide easily to use chunked or not
Just by curiosity, without looking at the website. What is it used for ? For which kind of integration? Is it really under the scope of EWF? or it would...
I guess this step is done, isn't it ?
concurrency=None ok concurrency=Thread ok concurrency=SCOOP ok In "concurrent" branch, not yet in the master since it is not yet integrated with EWF ... Postponed
right .. and IIS .. in fact I forgot the "..." :) however in the past, I tested successfully libfcgi/EWF on - windows + apache2 - windows + IIS -...
see - or - side note:
Hi Colin, Do you have a working patch that fixes this issue?