same problem here, but I am using Angular 8.0 ``` { path: ':mode', loadChildren: () => import('./challenge-edit/challenge-edit.module').then( mod => mod.ChallengeEditModule) }, ``` ``` "dependencies": { "@angular/animations": "~8.0.0", "@angular/common": "~8.0.0", "@angular/compiler":...
Hi @wittlock, this is a great Angular component, but I uninstalled it due to this missing feature. But what me and most of developers need is to pass information to...
I suggest to create a new method called "useConsoleDebug(value: boolean)" or "useChromeSpecification(value: boolean)" or another name in order to reorder (remap) the internal calls to the console methods using the...
I am waiting for this feature 👍
Hi @chrisant996, the docker autocomplete feature exists for other terminals. I know that if I press TAB in the cmder console after typing the letters do, the following results are...
Hi guys, I cannot use [RacoonMask]( in my project made in Angular 16. It has peer dependencies to @angular/common@"^7.2.0" I forced the installation using "--force" and when I import the...
After many days researching I still got stuck to create a very simple splash screen based on the newest versions of Ionic (v8.0), @capacitor/splash-screen (v6.0) and @capacitor/assets(v3.0.5). I read many...
I got errors using Windows. It worked on linux seamless.
I started a big project a few days ago using Liquibase and NodeJs, NestJs and so on. I am using the latest version of the tools. I could notice that...
how about the final bundle size when using both variants above (short and long imports) ? Is it the same ?